Saturday 22 December 2012


I've been crap lately - I wholeheartedly acknowledge this. I returned from Paris on Wednesday but it was technically Thursday before I got home. Then Thursday and Friday were spent meeting friends before Christmas and before I returned to the back-arse of nowhere. Which is where I am right now...which is part of the reason as to why I continue to be crap. I forgot how damn slow the internet is here; so bad, in fact, that uploading a single image makes my laptop weep and freak out. It's all rather harrowing. So, in the mean time, while I pine for Paris and you await some great (slightly sneakily taken) pictures of it, I will do a quick lazy post so you know I haven't died or something.

I mentioned before that I had written pieces for The Fair, a new Irish fashion magazine. Two of these are now in their first official issue of the magazine, whereas before they been among those posted as a collection of articles in a more blog-ish style. Find the issue here and my articles here and here.

Also, here are a list of the blogs I check regularly because I find them so damn fascinating. Perhaps they can keep y'all entertained while I get my shit together:

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